Do you need to change your CLIO's clutch kit? Here are some easy ways to make your clutch last longer. First of all avoid 'popping' it. Instead, release it smoothly. Secondly, after changing gears, take your foot completely off the clutch pedal and put it to the side because the slightest pressure can cause wear to your CLIO's clutch parts. Finally, don't drag your clutch when waiting in front of a red traffic light but take your car out of gear by putting the transmission in neutral and preventing your car from rolling by resting your foot onto the brake pedal. If despite these precautions, you need to replace your clutch, we highly recommend you order a complete clutch kit even if only one part is showing signs of wear. The reason is that other clutch parts are likely to be in a similar state.
To determine as well as possible which clutch references are suitabel for your vehicle, we recommend you enter your registration number or the exact engine type of your Renault CLIO in the drop down menu.
Clutch Kit for Renault CLIO by model and power system